The Respiratory System



The respiratory system is a group of organs that is involved in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body system.


  1. The Respiratory System helps in nourishing your body with oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide.
  2. helps regulate blood pH and body temperature
  3. The Respiratory System also helps in vocalization. The larynx or voice box contains 2 vocal cords, which vibrate when air passes by them thus producing a sound.


I. The Upper Respiratory System (the upper airway) is a collapsible tube, which includes:

Nasal Cavity or the nose:
Air is breathe in through the nose. The air is filtered out for dust and foreign bodies, warmed and moistened by the tiny hairs called cilia and the nasal mucosa.

Pharynx or the throat:
Pharynx is shaped like a cone, is part of the respiratory system and also of the digestive system. Pharynx is situated posterior to the nasal cavity and mouth and superior to the esophagus and larynx. In the Respiratory System it acts as a passageway for air on it’s way to the lungs. Pharynx is divided into three parts:

  1. Oropharynx – The part of the throat that is behind the mouth (oral cavity)
  2. Nasopharynx – The part of the thraot that is at the back of the nose (nasal cavity).
  3. Laryngopharynx – The part of the throat that is at the back of the larynx (voice box).

Larynx or the voice box :
The larynx is located between the pharynx and the trachea. Its surrounding wall of thyroid cartillage formed an angle called Adam’s apple. It holds the vocal cords which are responsible in producing sounds.

II. The Lower Respiratory System (the lower airway):

Trachea or the wind pipe : It is a tubelike structure that connects the larynx to the lungs, a passageway for air. It has approximately 16- 20 C-shaped cartilaginous rings. The cartilage rings give the trachea protection and resistance against the pressure of air flow.

Bronchi: The bronchi are 2 tubes that branch from trachea.

1. The left main bronchus (longer than the right bronchus) leads air to the left lung.
2. The right main bronchus (shorter and wider than the left bronchus) direct air into the right lung. The structure of the right main bronchus made them more susceptible with foreign body dislodging.

The bronchi become smaller and thinner branches as they get closer to the lungs and then become non cartilaginous branches called bronchioles.

Lungs: The lungs are the most vital organ of the respiratory system. They are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on both sides of the chest (thorax). They are responsible for the gas exchange process, supplying oxygen from the tiny air sacs( alveoli) in the lungs to the blood , at the same time releasing carbon dioxide from blood to the tiny air sacs. Carbon dioxide leaves the body when we exhale.


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